LIFE REFIBRE in the magazine Energías Renovables
The Renewable Energies magazine in its March 2021 issue, publishes an article of the good results obtained from the LIFE REFIBRE project. Through this link it can be seen the issue of the Renewable Energies magazine (in Spanish), and on pages 48-49 it can be read the...
WORKSHOP 5 LIFE REFIBRE – REFIBRE project transfer of knowledge
On 17th December 2020, the fifth and last workshop of the project LIFE REFIBRE – Transfer of the final results of the REFIBRE project was held, organized by CARTIF, with the participation of the rest of the project partners (ICCL, INCOSA, SAN GREGORIO). The...
XV National Conference of ASEFMA
On 1st and 2nd December 2020, the XV National Conference of ASEFMA: Sustainability, circular economy and waste management: milling from asphalt pavements was virtually attended. The objective of this conference has focused on analyzing which is the most appropriate...
Interview Awards INNOVADORES 2020 El Mundo Castilla y León
On November 5th, due to the INNOVADORES2020 award received by the LIFE REFIBRE project and awarded by El Mundo Innovadores Castilla y León, a CARTIF interview is held.