Partners/ CARTIF

CARTIF Technology Centre is a leading Spanish Applied Research Centre in terms of R&D and technology transfer activities. It is located in Valladolid (Spain), legally established as a Foundation (private non-profit research centre) and its main goals are to identify technology needs and develops R&D-based knowledge, to support technological innovation in industry, mainly among SMEs and to disseminate R&D and innovation results.
CARTIF participation in international activities is promoted through R&D Programmes Department and has been materialized in the current participation in 38 on-going international projects, including 7 FP7 projects and 14 projects from H2020.
Its interdisciplinary teams work in five areas of knowledge that correspond to different economic and technological sectors: energy and environment, construction and infrastructures, industry, agrofood and health. Supporting this structure, there are laboratories that have emerged from several lines of research: Analysis and Tests, 3D Scanning, Characterization of biomass, Biotechnology and Materials.
One of the research lines in the Environmental Technology Area is the recycling and valorisation of waste, and specially recycling of plastic waste in order to produce recycled products minimizing the need of using non-renewable resources. Other of the research lines is the study of the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and the Eco-Design Strategies. Both provide eco-innovative solutions that allow enterprises to implement and improve their Environment Management Systems.